Thank YOU!

Watch This Welcome Video First...

You've made a great investment in this training, but to make sure you get the best results, please follow all the steps below:

Step #1 - Download Your Instant Traffic Shortcuts Training

You can download the video from the link below.  Simply "Right Click" and select "Save Target As".

The video is large (over 150MB) so may take a while to download on slower connections.  The files are contained in a single zip file for convenience, so once downloaded, right click on the file and then extract/unzip to view it.

Alternatively you can watch the video "streamed" online - which may be better if you don't have a super-fast connection, but may still take some time to load.

And you can download the summary/resources from the link below - just right click on the link and select "Save As" or "Save Target As"

Step #2 - Download Your Unadvertised Bonuses

As a special bonus, I've been able to get some more free traffic training from one of my partners.  This will give you other methods of generating free traffic to your sites in addition to the original training above.

I've also got a professional wordpress theme for you that you can use on your sites.  Simply click the link below to download it now.

Once you've gone through the course, I'd be very grateful if you could send a quick testimonial to

Include your name, website URL, and picture (if you have one) and you could have your case study listed on the salespage giving you exposure and free traffic to your website.

If you're not sure what to include in the testimonial, here's a quick outline of the elements you can include:

- Statement of Who you are... 
- Statement of Where You Were.
- Statement of What The Product CHANGED
- HOW IT changed it...
- What the experience was like
- And who you are today...
- Why it was unique...
- How thankful you are.

If you want to record a video testimonial that would be even better, and I may just pick one or two of the best video testimonials for a very special bonus ;-)

To YOUR success,


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